Typical Day by David

Quietly we get up and get ready to the nice alpaca sounds … O, who am I kidding? Mornings (getting out of bed) are difficult but the rest of the day is great. Some of us get up nice and quietly and take our showers and are quickly ready. Others,…

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Typical Day By Laura

After waking up abruptly to the sound of Heidi’s lovely morning voice, most of us manage to crawl out from the covers that held us warmly into the cold, brisk, morning cabin air. Due to the fact that we wake five minutes before we have to leave for morning flagpole,…

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Typical Day By Emily

Let me start by saying that there is no real typical day at Hilltop because everyday is extraordinary, but I’ll try my best. Every day, I either wake up to the radio blasting or the sounds of the birds chirping outside and the alpacas stretching in the fields. I take…

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