Hilltop Creative Corner

The creative corner is for those who feel inspired to put pen to paper and create something beautiful.

Camp Hilltop
By Christina Damore
This camp is a hill of fun

There are lots of people, many to come

You play, talk and walk around

When you are here, you never sit down
This is a camp where your dreams come true

This is a camp for me and you

Whether it’s high ropes, low ropes, skating or dance

You are always ready to take that chance

There, for this is the perfect place
If you come here, you have good taste!  

The Camp

By Kelly Puggmurr

I remember last year as we pulled up the drive
My first time at Hilltop, so nervous inside,
I looked all around, the place seemed so vast,

Could this be it? A summer than last?

It took Dad a while to persuade me to go,

And hang out with folks that I didn’t know.

The tales that I heard, made it sound great,

But if I was homesick, I’d have a long wait.

The staff there helped me adjust to the new
They all seemed so nice (and talented too!)

The routine learned quickly, new facts everyday,
And then of course, there’s “The Hilltop Way”…


The Camp has a rule, (unlike at school).

That no-one’s called “nerdy” and no-one’s called “cool”.

No-one at Camp gets left out in the cold,

No-one wants us to fit in to a mould.

In two or three days, it became quite clear

That having fun was a huge thing here.

My new friends don’t mind if I dance like a fool,

What happens at Camp is exception not rule

Some people claim they “can’t ride” or “don’t swim”

There’s a chance to try all and a choice to fill in

If there’s a subject you like, by the end you will shine,

With new skills being picked up and learned all the time.

Last year I taught Pottery, Stained Glass and Crafts

Helped kids to shoot arrows, make costumes, build rafts.

I’ve never worked anywhere like it before.
I love being a counselor.  I’ll be back for more.  

Hello Gramma, Hello Grampa – 
Sang @ Flagpole, 2002

Hello Grandma, Hello Grandpa

Here we are at dear Camp Hilltop

We hope that camp never ends

Because we have a heap of friends

We have mountains of fun
Please don’t clap yet, we’re not done

The alpacas never bite

In the cabins we’re not allowed to fight

To get cereal use the agitator

And the lake has snakes and gators

The gym is on a hill
We get tired, thank you Bill

Don’t laugh at me – No dissing here
Don’t laugh at me – Ridicule free zone

You, matter despite what people say

That’s just the Camp Hilltop Way!

The pool water’s always cold

Stay out late and counsellors scold

Put the rubbish in the bin
If you try hard you will win

The new shirts are very bright

PDA shines a light

Upon camper late at night (gasp)

O’ the towers very tall

But the belayers break my fall

Camp store line is always long

And we hope that you enjoyed our song!!!